Habits That Will Accelerate Your Post-Workout Recovery

Habits That Will Accelerate Your Post-Workout Recovery

Most people focus on the training aspect of fitness, but few consider the vital importance of post-workout recovery.

If we want to achieve great results, we need to recover properly because that allows the body to adapt and improve.

Better recovery means we can train harder and more frequently, which itself allows us to progress quicker.

That's why we put together a list of five essential habits that will accelerate your recovery.


1. Hydrate Yourself

Adequate hydration is vital for muscle recovery as it plays a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis. When the body is dehydrated, muscle protein synthesis rates are lower, and post-training recovery occurs more slowly.

Hydration also helps lessen (and even prevent) fatigue, which often occurs after strenuous workouts.

And finally, drinking more water helps clear waste from the body, which makes way for nutrients and oxygen to more quickly repair our muscles.

According to research, women need at least two liters of water per day, and men need three. Of course, this will vary from person to person, but these are good starting points.


2. Get Sufficient Protein and Carbs

Protein is vital for muscle recovery as it provides the body with the building blocks (amino acids) it needs. Without an adequate supply of protein, muscle protein synthesis can’t occur, and we can’t recover and grow.

Carbs are also vital as they provide the body with energy, fuel the brain, and help replenish lost glycogen. Some research suggests that specific anabolic signals are dependent on adequate glycogen levels, so replenishing it after training is vital for optimal growth.

So, make sure to consume a healthy blend of carb and protein foods at every meal:

  • Steak with potatoes
  • Chicken with rice
  • Meatballs and pasta

Get creative and you'll find many tasty combinations you can enjoy!


3. Get More Sleep

Sleep is the essence of recovery. While sleeping, the body has a chance to repair itself, and the production of human growth hormone skyrockets. 

During the slow-wave (deep) sleep – which accounts for about 40 percent of our sleep time – brain activity decreases, and more blood is available for the muscles. This allows for more oxygen and nutrients to enter our muscles and repair the structural damage caused by physical activity.

According to research, we need at least seven hours of sleep to feel good and recover properly.


4. Don’t Overtrain Yourself

One of the best (and most overlooked) ways to accelerate recovery is to avoid overtraining yourself in the first place. This is because if you train too hard (yes, there is such a thing), you cause too much stress on your body and inevitably prolong the recovery process.

So, do enough to see consistent progress, but don’t train to the point where you feel utterly exhausted at the end of each workout.


5. Soak In A Magnesium Bath Soak

Training and sweating lead to the loss of vital minerals that are important for muscle repair and growth, as well as the prevention of muscle soreness.

We’ve specifically designed our muscle recovery bath soaks to restore these lost nutrients, which helps speed up the recovery process and lessen any potential soreness.

To reap the full benefit of our bath soak, pour some in your bathtub, relax for twenty minutes, and that's it!

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The Vital Importance of Sleep for Health and Fitness